Web Design Company in Logan City.

Logan City is the heart of South East Brisbane. Logan has been expanding its boundaries in the past years especially since 2008. In 2008 Logan city had just 29 suburbs and by 2015 it has 63 suburbs..

This means 42 percent population growth and 314 percent of land mass growth. Today City of Logan is the 5th largest local govt area by population with 306,000 people.

Economy also thriving compared to neighboring local govt areas. Logan city has 20,000 businesses employing more than 72000 people. The size  of the economy is more than 20 billion Australian Dollars.

There are some respected  IT Companies in Logan city council and Excellone Pty Ltd is one of them. Excellone Pty Ltd offers Website design, Mobile Apps development and Web Apps Development. We are located at Loganholme well positioned to serve not only businesses  based in Lognholme, but also centrally located to serve Brisbane and Gold Coast.